HiN Einzelhefte: HiN I, 1 (2000) – HiN XXIII, 45 (2022)
Almost 20 years after its foundation, the online journal HiN is now also available in print. A special treat for the Humboldt Anniversary 2019. Thanks to a grant from the President’s Office of the University of Potsdam, the online data could be converted and re-edited into a print version – a collection of 34 volumes published by the Potsdam University Press. Parallel to the new print version, HiN will continue to be released as a multilingual open access journal with current research articles on Alexander von Humboldt.
The slipcase edition with all numbers of HiN 1-34 as well as every single issue of the journal of HiN 1-45 can now be ordered online as a print copy in the Webshop des Universitätsverlags Potsdam.
More information:
- 10 Questions on the new slipcase edition (in German)
An interview with Ottmar Ette and Tobias Kraft by Matthias Zimmermann