About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The International Review for Humboldt Studies, HiN – Alexander von Humboldt im Netz (ISSN: 1617-5239), is a biannual, peer-reviewed open access journal. It has been online since 2000 and is available free of charge at www.hin-online.de. The journal is now the standard reference point for the study of Alexander von Humboldt.

Each of HiN’s issues contains 6-10 refereed articles. It is listed at the MLA Directory of Periodicals, the Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, and the DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals.

The journal’s recorded usage statistics since May 2005 indicates that each issue of HiN reaches anywhere from 5,000 to 45,000 readers. HiN search queries typically come from an international, mostly Spanish- and English-speaking, community with specific interest in social and cultural history, as well as in the history of science and intellectual history more broadly.

HiN offers the scholarly community a nexus for  the different branches, traditions, and languages of Humboldt Research. Its aim is to consolidate and internationalize Humboldt Studies and to provide its findings to a larger community of readers. This commitment is as important to HiN as it was to the author of Kosmos.

There are no author charges (commonly known as APCs) prior to publication, and any reader may download articles and reviews for their own scholarly use at no cost.

Peer Review Process

Each submission to the journal goes through a rigorous peer review process that includes outside readers and at least two members of the Editorial Board and one member of the Advisory Board.

Publication Frequency

HiN is a biannual journal. Issues typically appear in

  • April-May (spring issue)
  • October-November (fall issue)

Deadline for article submission

  • February 1st (for the spring issue)
  • August 1st (for the fall issue)

Open Access Policy

HiN - Alexander von Humboldt im Netz operates under the Creative Commons Licence CC BY-NC 4.0.

HiN is committed to true open access for academic work. All of the journal's articles can be accessed immediately and at no cost from the date of their publication onward. To facilitate its mission, HiN depends upon funding generously provided by the Marianne und Heinz Duddeck Fund (Hermann and Elise geborene Heckmann Wentzel-Stiftung), the intellectual support of  its editorial team, its advisory board, and  its network of peer reviewers.


HiN is an online publication by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Knobloch
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin, Germany

Digital Archiving Policy

The bitstream archiving of HiN is guaranteed through the edoc server at University Library Potsdam which is hosted by the Konrad Zuse Institute.

Editorial Board

Editorial Staff

Dr. Katja Schicht

Editorial Staff for past issues

Julia Bayerl, Sandra Ewers, Jan Hübner

Advisory Board


HiN - Alexander von Humboldt in the Net is funded by the Marianne und Heinz Duddeck Fund (Hermann und Elise geborene Heckmann Wentzel-Stiftung) with the support of POINTS (Potsdam International Network for TransArea Studies).

Sources of Support

Technical Support

DOI Indexing

The journals' DOI registration is run by da|ra, the registration agency for social and economic data, and therefore links all of HiN's DOI documents directly to DataCite.

OJS Services

Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) at the Freie Universität Berlin

We would like to thank Božana Bokan, Nadja El-Obaidi, and Dennis Twardy for their support and advice in the relaunch of HiN.

We would also like to thank Katja Schicht for the transformation of the journal's entire article archive into XML metadata and for her support in modernizing our editorial workflow with OJS - Open Journal Systems.

Journal History

HiN - Alexander von Humboldt in the Net was founded in 2000 in the wake of the bi-centenary of Humboldt's voyage to the Americas (1799-1804). The journal soon became one of the leading references sites in Alexander von Humboldt Studies.

With articles published in German, English, Spanish, and French, the journal reaches an international readership in fields such as cultural and literary history, history of art, historical epistemology and history of science.

Since 2002, HiN has published all its articles both in HTML and PDF.The journal received its first major design update in 2008. Most recently, the journal was rebuild from scratch with Open Journal Systems (OJS) as its underlying content management system.

The publication of HiN XVI, 31 (2015) marks a major relaunch in the journal's history. Part of this relaunch is a completely new design, both for HTML and PDF, as well as metadata indexing through DataCite and a multilingual interface.